tns Naturopathic Skincare
為什麼選擇 tns (得蘭斯)?
tns得蘭斯全名the natural shine意思就是“天然光彩”乃專家公認的天然護膚髮品牌。源於1995年澳大利亞墨爾本,tns的願景是利用天然和有機植物的活性成分,揉合高科技而創造一系列優越的天然美療產品。通過深層研究,某些含特殊效用的草本材料可與身體和諧地融合,安全有效並容易使用。讓身體髮膚獲得平衡和自然健康的更新過程。這些奇妙的天然元素將自然療法的原理成功地應用於護膚和護髮的領域中。
自然康復能力(the healing power of nature)
自然療法在醫學界並不是一個新名詞,它與傳統西藥有著悠久的歷史。它可以追溯到18、19世紀已在歐洲流行;並在美國、加拿大、澳大利亞等先進國家開始了自然療法學說。歷 年的政界、王室成員均按自然療法基礎獲得治療和保健,甚至70%以上的西方醫學原理也採用了自然療法。1979年,世界衛生組織倡導了無副作用、無藥的自然康復療理。
自然療法理念基於以下幾個大前題,並使用特殊功能性的草藥配方來恢復和增強自愈能力。它能找出問題的原因,恢復皮膚和身體內天然的營養不足,保持健康的均衡狀態,從而解決問題的根源 。
the healing power of nature
The belief of the body has the ability to heal itself.
Identify and Treat the Cause
Address root causes of our imbalances rather than just suppressing isolated symptoms.
Doctor as Teacher
It is a Naturopaths responsibility to educate patients and empower them to takeresponsibility for their own health.
Treat the Whole Person
Health and disease are conditions of the whole organism, involving a complex interaction ofphysical, spiritual, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors.
First Do No Harm
Use natural herbs, gentle and least invasive methods to enhance our immunity and supportthe inherent wisdom of the body to heal itself.
The ultimate goal of the naturopathic physician is prevention. The emphasis is on buildinghealth, not fighting illness. This is done by fostering healthy lifestyles.
The difference between NaturBeauty Therapy skincare andgeneral skincare products
When you’re prompted to buy a mainstream skincare or hair care product, it’s usually on thebasis of whether or not your skin or hair is “normal, dry, oily or combination”.
tns NaturBeauty Therapy skincare and hair care approach differs from the standard cosmeticcompany approach, because tns products recognize our skin and hair conditions changefrequency depending on the environment, weather, hormones, stress levels etc. So theNaturBeauty Therapy series are formulated under the naturopathic philosophy and made by theunique plant-active ingredients in Australia. They can improve and enhance the healing power ofour skin and hair by identifying the problem and characteristics of our body. And naturally adjustthe absorbing process of needed nutrients, not to mask it or force it into an unnatural state bychemical means. Eventually help our skin and hair to restore the root of the problem andmaintain a balanced state of good health condition with no rebound. This is the main differencebetween our series products and the general skincare and hair care products.
The majority of mainstream personal care products are often based on formulas with chemicallyactive ingredients to mask skin or hair types and by using them over the short or long term youmay in fact be causing damage to your skin or hair, denying them the chance to become trulyhealthy and naturally by tns NaturBeauty Therapy skincare
tns Naturopathic Skincare
我們理念致力提供普及天然美療產品, 讓所有人都能享受到優質和安全有效的護理。